1st National Convening of Cohort II

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1st National Convening of Cohort II

“Over the next two years we'll have the opportunity to learn and work together as we explore ways that public library service can be fostered, sustained, and enriched globally. We'll also have time to form new friendships and have fun together while we're doing so”. - Deborah Jacobs, Director of the Global Libraries Initiatives.

Public Libraries across the globe are metamorphing. They are being defined as knowledge and learning space for the empowering community. As this transformation occurs, the International Network of Emerging Library Innovators (INELI) has proven to been an effective platform, globally, for nurturing creativity and innovation in public library staff. The library staff’s improved capacities, entitles them to become an Innovator at the end of this program. We have seen the transformation of the public librarians in India, who are motivated for doing their best for the public libraries.

INELI India is designed to provide an opportunity for you to work with your peers in India as well as around the world explore new ideas, co-create, experiment with new services, and learn from one another.

INELI India is a blend of face-to-face and online activities for shared learning. You will meet and work with the other INELI innovators, mentors, and members of the project team during three convenings. The two primary online activities during the first year of INELI are an open online forum and skills building modules that include selected readings, self-assessments, topic-specific forums and collaborative group projects.

The Members of Cohort 2 , are joining us on this beautiful, motivating, learning journey with our Cohort 1 Innovators, Mentors and INELI India and South Asia MSSRF team with the guidance of the Steering Committee Members and the support of the Global INELI family.

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